In accordance with Section 54 of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK Act), this Statement describes the steps that Tysers Insurance Brokers Limited (TIBL) has taken during the financial year ended 31 December 2020 to address modern slavery and human trafficking risks across the Group and our supply chains and sets out our plans for future improvements.
About Us
TIBL is an independent international insurance and reinsurance intermediary registered in the United Kingdom and is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority.
TIBL employs over 1,000 people, the majority of whom are based in the United Kingdom and it transacts business with customers on a worldwide basis..
Our Position on Modern Slavery
As an insurance intermediary, TIBL does not operate in a sector where modern slavery is prevalent and has not identified any modern slavery concerns.
We reject any form of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour (including child labour) and human trafficking, as defined by the UK Act, and are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure these practices do not take place in our own business or our supply chains. To this end, we aim to identify and manage any risks related to modern slavery across our own organisation and through our supply chain relationships.
The company also remains committed to taking steps to raise staff awareness on this subject.
Policies & Governance
Our Board and Committees provide the necessary leadership to implement strong corporate governance across the Group so that our decisions and actions are based on transparency, integrity, responsibility and performance, which promotes the long-term sustainability and ongoing success of our business.
TIBL has Group policies in relevant areas, including our Employee Conduct Policy, Anti-Bribery and Corruption and Whistleblowing all of which are published on our Intranet.
Our Group approach in key areas recognises that our employees (including our contractors and directors) are key to maintaining a compliant and ethical approach to our business practices.
We continue to review and strengthen relevant policies and standards to ensure they remain up to date and compliant with modern slavery requirements.
Ethics & Conduct
As a responsible business, TIBL is committed to dealing honestly and fairly with our clients and properly managing the risk of unfair customer outcomes and detriment to the integrity of the insurance industry wherever we operate.
Our Workplace
We are committed to complying with relevant local and national laws, and ethical standards related to human rights and modern slavery in respect to our employees, our clients and our business operations. We strive to be an equal opportunity employer and we are committed to ensuring our employment conditions to sustain the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and visitors.
TIBL employees are encouraged to report genuine concerns about any conduct or activity they believe is dishonest, corrupt, inappropriate, exploitative or illegal and we offer several channels for them to do including, for example, our Whistle Blowing Policy.
Training and Employee Awareness
There are a significant number of compliance obligations that apply across our day-to-day activities at work, whether they are laws, regulations, codes or business or ethical standards and we are committed to educating our people about them. Compliance topics such as Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Ethics, and Conduct are supported by Group mandatory online training.
Our Supply Chain
TIBL’s third party landscape is made up of back office suppliers (eg IT, consultancy, professional service, recruitment, facilities etc) and front office third parties supporting broking and claims processes.
TIBL screen all known counterparties in the business placement chain, on an ongoing basis and any other parties who might be the recipient of a claim.
We acknowledge and recognise the potential for modern slavery to occur within our supply chains regardless of location and expect our suppliers to manage their business and supply chain in a manner that respects human rights as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and we are planning to reinforce this expectation with contractual obligations when we contract with suppliers.
We are committed to continuous improvement and acknowledge that we are on a journey to ensure we have adequate policies, processes, systems and controls in place to identify and mitigate modern slavery issues and risks within our business and supply chains.
This statement has been approved by the Board on 9 February 2021. It will be reviewed and updated annually.