Tysers Ports & Terminals / Marine Liability team offers a comprehensive package of insurance cover to the wide range of businesses involved in Ports & Terminals and Transport and Logistics operations.
We offer innovative insurance solutions that understand and specifically cater for the unique and complex risks faced by modern Ports & Terminals operators, shipyards and marinas throughout the world.
Sub-classes / Perils
- Liability for loss of or damage to cargo under an insured’s Care Custody and Control
- Liability for physical loss or damage to a third party vessel or equipment owned or operated by a sub-contractor or customer.
- Third Party liability for property damage, injury death or disease.
- Liability to Port Authorities including regulatory breaches.
- Marina Operators’ Liability.
- Ship Repairers’ Liability.
- Comprehensive General Liability
- Umbrella Liability
- Professional Indemnity cover.
- Physical loss or damage to owned or leased handling equipment.
- Physical loss or damage to property.
- Business Interruption including blockage of ports and channels.
- Port or Marina craft.
- Freight Forwarding
- Programme Management – planning, co-ordination and management of all aspects of global operators covering risks located in different territories and accommodating the varying laws and regulations.